Advancing Financing Initiatives for Shared Ownership of Enterprise
On November 2nd, 2023, 81 individuals came together to participate in the Advancing Financing Initiatives for Shared Ownership of Enterprise convening. The event was organized by the Predistribution Initiative with support from The Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation and held at The Rockefeller Foundation offices in NYC. Consensus Building Institute (CBI) helped curate the agenda and facilitate the meeting. The objectives of the day were to (1) Support participants and their stakeholders in better understanding the landscape of current initiatives supporting the scaling of shared ownership of enterprise models with impact integrity (2) Identify potential opportunities for participants or groups of participants to collaborate to overcome barriers to accelerating financing of shared ownership of enterprise structures. This report serves as a summary of the day and includes key takeaways which can be used to inform next steps. Since the objectives for the day were robust and are likely to only be achieved through further activity and collaboration over time, program participants identified opportunities to continue the dialogue following November 2nd. Following context setting and a review of the program, this report includes a summary of participant suggestions and proposed next steps in the final section.