Task Force on Inequality-related Financial Disclosures (TIFD): The Second TIFD Global Meeting

The Taskforce on Inequality-related Financial Disclosures (TIFD) Interim Secretariat hosted its Second Global Allies Meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2022.

At the meeting, the Interim Secretariat provided an update on recent TIFD developments, including a summary of the small group meetings the Interim Secretariat held in September on the terms of reference of a TIFD Technical Working Group. Following the update, participants weer invited to join a breakout room to explore one of the following two issues:

  1. TIFD Governance – Building on Lessons Learned of Other Frameworks: In the September Technical Working Group meetings, participants agreed that at this stage of development, TIFD would best be served by Guiding Principles versus a rigid governance structure that may be ill-suited for TIFD over time. In this breakout room, the Interim Secretariat invites Allies and other stakeholders to share their insights and experiences on what has and hasn’t worked in the development and implementation of other frameworks. Key takeaways can inform the development of Guiding Principles for TIFD’s governance. The breakout rooms on this topic will also consider what role the Advisory Council will play in providing accountability for adherence to these principles. 
  2. Underrepresented Groups: At the first Global Meeting in July, the Interim Secretariat presented a proposal for the TIFD Architecture, including: a Technical Working Group(s), Thematic Working Groups, a Research Council, an Interim Secretariat/Secretariat, an Advisory Council, and the TIFD Allies. To ensure that TIFD will effectively address inequality and other impacts on people, the Interim Secretariat is committed to the inclusion of  “underrepresented groups” within the TIFD working groups and governance structure. How should we define “underrepresented groups”? How does TIFD gain legitimacy from underrepresented groups? We will explore these questions in the breakout rooms on this topic.